February 2, 2009

self-hosted blog on wordpress

I was busy in coding & designing the new sites. As I mentioned in my last post, I've shifted all my content to wordpress blog. so I'll take you to my new site. I've already added redirect code & it loads new site after 3 seconds, but I am worried whether my page rank of will remain the same after migration? As content is same i heard google penalise the other site (newer site if it finds duplicate content... I'll have to investigate. It's tiresome as I dont have 100% control here my blog was hosted at blogger (with google) so cannot add 301 redirect here... Oops, I just forgot that my visitors are GMAT students here... Guys please ignore above paras if you didnt understand anything... it doesn't matter to you. Now let me break the news that matters to you: here's my new blog site for GMAT strategy & beyond
It's self-hosted personal blog now, so I have full control on it. Amrute is my sirname therefore I booked amrute.me site
Visit my new site. it's still under-construction but do have comments.


Neo2000 said...

blogspot allows you to redirect your blog and all its contents to your own domain. Look for it in settings.

No penalty for re-direction btw. Just put up a post telling users you have moved and you are set

johnyCAGE said...

Unfortunately, it's not as easy as it appears. I did actually move it successfully(?) before I made a post, still cant be satisfied unless I regain my page rank... ;)

Neo2000 said...

actually re-directing a blog from blogspot to domain is very easy. Google does all of the work .not sure why you are having trouble.

and Page Rank is updated every 2-3months or so. Not a lot of people bother about it. again not sure why you worrying about it.

February 2, 2009

self-hosted blog on wordpress

I was busy in coding & designing the new sites. As I mentioned in my last post, I've shifted all my content to wordpress blog. so I'll take you to my new site. I've already added redirect code & it loads new site after 3 seconds, but I am worried whether my page rank of will remain the same after migration? As content is same i heard google penalise the other site (newer site if it finds duplicate content... I'll have to investigate. It's tiresome as I dont have 100% control here my blog was hosted at blogger (with google) so cannot add 301 redirect here... Oops, I just forgot that my visitors are GMAT students here... Guys please ignore above paras if you didnt understand anything... it doesn't matter to you. Now let me break the news that matters to you: here's my new blog site for GMAT strategy & beyond
It's self-hosted personal blog now, so I have full control on it. Amrute is my sirname therefore I booked amrute.me site
Visit my new site. it's still under-construction but do have comments.


Neo2000 said...

blogspot allows you to redirect your blog and all its contents to your own domain. Look for it in settings.

No penalty for re-direction btw. Just put up a post telling users you have moved and you are set

johnyCAGE said...

Unfortunately, it's not as easy as it appears. I did actually move it successfully(?) before I made a post, still cant be satisfied unless I regain my page rank... ;)

Neo2000 said...

actually re-directing a blog from blogspot to domain is very easy. Google does all of the work .not sure why you are having trouble.

and Page Rank is updated every 2-3months or so. Not a lot of people bother about it. again not sure why you worrying about it.